
Posts Tagged ‘United Arab Emirates’

Preparations are full speed ahead at the Dubai World Trade Centre as Dubai, the bustling modern capital city of the United Arab Emirates gets ready to host the upcoming International Islamic Fair 2008 (IIF2008). 8175daa6-e8a4-460d-9c8e-570bc799bf5b 2e37be74-cdc9-4f58-9e11-a5228fcfc23e1

Located at the crossroads of Asia, Africa and Europe, the city of Dubai is a dynamic and rapidly expanding international business centre with over 120 shipping lines and 107 airlines that connect the city to over 160 global destinations. The Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) located along Sheikh Zayed Road is a sprawling complex that includes the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre that serves the burgeoning Middle East exhibition industry. Add to this the warmth of traditional Arabic hospitality, your trip to Dubai to attend the IIF2008 will be an excellent opportunity to explore the Middle east by combining business with pleasure. More importantly, by being there, you will be able to meet people that matter in the business of providing Islamic products and services for all. thumbnailsashx1

International Islamic Fair 2008 from 23 – 25 Dec 2008

The 3rd IIF – the 1st in the Middle East!

Islamic Products & Services for ALL

Serving the Ummah & Saving Humanity

Organiser: HELLIX Exhibition Org. & Management (UAE)
IIF Brand Organiser: SABA Islamic Media Sdn Bhd (Malaysia)

Dinner Concert Event Name: Sounds of Islam
Slogan: IIF2008 Express – Kuala Lumpur – Ummah. Next Stop >> Dubai

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