
Archive for November 29th, 2008


While one man is the former Prime Minister of Malaysia and the other is a journalist, both are prolific writers and key opinion leaders. And both Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, fondly referred to as Tun M, and  Michael Collins Piper will be guests of the International Islamic Fair for the second time. The first time these two men met, they were both invited speakers at the International Islamic Fair 2006 held at the Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur. When he visited Malaysia in 2006, Collins had a special meeting with Tun M and wrote about it in the American Free Press. The report “AFP correspondent, author honored in Kuala Lumpur” is posted on his website The Piper Report. He writes about this meeting:

Although the Western media defames Dr. Mahathir because he dares to criticize Zionism, he is a beloved figure in his own land, which he did so much to build into the powerhouse it is today. He is also an icon throughout Asia and throughout what is known as “The Third World.”

All told, the visit to Malaysia was a fantastic experience for all of us and, I am confident, has opened up more eyes to the reality of what’s happening to all good people in the world today. We do have a common enemy — our traditional enemy — against whom we have to unite. It’s that simple.

Be sure to be in Dubai, United Arab Emirates for IIF2008 to be held from 23 to 25 December where these two great minds of the 21st century will meet again to inspire and awaken us to what is really happening in the world today. Michael Collins Piper will speak on the “State of Democracy in the USA and GB Post-9/11” in session 3: “Human Relations, Media & Global Peace” of the conference while Tun Dr Mahathir will deliver the closing keynote address at the “Sounds of Islam” Gala Dinner Concert at the end of the three-day event. Don’t miss it!!!   

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